Course Description
This qualification gives a more detailed awareness and sensitivity to safeguarding. This enables learners to identify safeguarding issues and re-affirms their responsibility of Safeguarding and reporting of concerns.
Who Should Attend
This qualification is designed for learners who have regular and /or unsupervised contact to Children, Young People or vulnerable adults.
This course is also designed for School Governors, Trust Directors and people who work in the voluntary sector.
Minimum Age
The qualification is available to learners who are aged 18 and older. ​
Course Validity
The qualification is valid for 3 years from date of issue. It is strongly recommended that the learner attends annual refresher training.
Course learner ratio
Maximum number of students per course - 12
Course Delivery
Currently we offer this as a 1 day classroom course only. We are working towards splitting this into e-learning and then a practical element at our HQ.
Please keep your eyes peeled for our email when we get this up and running.
Course Content
​​1. **Understand how to safeguard and protect:**
- Identify key elements of the law regarding safeguarding Children
- Identify key elements of the law regarding safeguarding Young People
- Identify key elements of the law regarding safeguarding Vulnerable Adults
- Describe how practitioners can take steps to protect themselves from allegations and complaints
- Describe ways in which concerns can be reported for Children
- Describe ways in which concerns can be reported for Young People
- Describe ways in which concerns can be reported for Vulnerable Adults
2. **Know how to respond to evidence or concerns that someone is being abused:**
- Describe the characteristics of different types of abuse concerning Children
- Describe the characteristics of different types of abuse concerning Young People
- Describe the characteristics of different types of abuse concerning Vulnerable Adults
- Explain actions to take in response to evidence of abuse according to agreed ways of working
- Describe how to respond to disclosures of abuse according to agreed wats of working
- Identify those people who the information of abuse or suspected abuse may be shared with
The course will also contain several real case reviews and practical scenarios.
How will I be assessed?
Assessment Criteria
Completion of a written assessment.
Assessment Grading
Grading is either Pass or Referred.