Course Description
This qualification provides learners with knowledge to identify a safeguarding concern, how to listen and record a disclosure and report to the appropriate person / body.
Who Should Attend
This qualification provides a basic understanding of safeguarding which can be used in the workplace, activity group or any other environment whereby a person has contact with children / adults at risk.
Minimum Age
The qualification is available to learners who are aged 14 and over.​
Course Validity
The qualification does not have an expiry date. It is strongly recommended that the learner attends annual refresher training.
Course learner ratio
Maximum number of students per course - 16
Course Delivery
Currently we offer this as a 1 day classroom course only. We are working towards splitting this into e-learning and then a practical element at our HQ. ​
Please keep your eyes peeled for our email when we get this up and running.
Course Content
​1. **Safeguard Legislation and guidance:**
- Define what the term safeguarding means
- Safeguarding Legislation
2. **Safeguard Roles:**
- State which agencies the safeguard partnership consist of
- Know who has a safeguarding responsibility within an organisation
3. **Types of Abuse:**
- Know the different types of abuse
4. **Be aware of signs and indicators of abuse and neglect:**
- Give examples of indicators of types of abuse
5. **Know what action to take is a safeguard concern arises:**
- Who to speak to and when
The course will be very interactive and look at former cases.
How will I be assessed?
Assessment Criteria
Completion of a written assessment.
Assessment Grading
Grading is either Pass or Referred.