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Managing Challenging Behaviour 

Duration: 1 Day

Cost: £100 Plus V.A.T

CPD Points: 6

Course Description 

This course equips participants with the tools and strategies to effectively manage challenging behavior in the workplace. It covers techniques for de-escalation, maintaining professionalism, and creating a positive work environment.


Who Should Attend

Managers, HR professionals, and employees who regularly deal with challenging interactions or difficult situations in the workplace.


Minimum Age

The certification is available to learners who are aged 16 and over. â€‹


Course Validity

The certification does not expire. It is strongly recommended that the learner attends annual refresher training.  


Course learner ratio

Maximum number of students per course - 16

Course Delivery

This is a 1 day in person classroom course. The course is very interactive and participants must be prepared to be involved in the lessons. 


We are also in the process of making this an online course so learners have the choice in the near future.

Course Content

1.**Intro to Challenging Behaviour**

- Definition of challenging behaviour: What it is and common forms it takes

- The impact of challenging behaviour on individuals and groups

- Common settings where challenging behaviour occurs: Schools, workplaces, care settings

- The root causes of challenging behaviour: Environmental, psychological, and social factors

- The importance of addressing challenging behaviour proactively

- The role of professionals and caregivers in managing challenging behaviour

- Legal and ethical considerations in responding to challenging behaviour

- The benefits of early intervention and consistent strategies


2.**Understanding Challenging Behaviour**

- Identifying the triggers and antecedents of challenging behaviour

- The psychological, emotional, and environmental factors contributing to challenging behaviour

- Understanding the needs underlying challenging behaviour: Communication, unmet needs, stress

- The role of mental health issues and learning disabilities in challenging behaviour

- Assessing the frequency, intensity, and duration of challenging behaviour

- Differentiating between different types of challenging behaviour (e.g., aggression, withdrawal)

- The impact of trauma and past experiences on behaviour

- Tools and frameworks for assessing and understanding challenging behaviour (e.g., ABC model)


3.**The Role of Reflection and Support for Those Involved in Incidents**

- The importance of reflection after incidents of challenging behaviour

- Strategies for debriefing and reflective practice for staff and caregivers

- Providing emotional and psychological support to those affected by incidents

- Creating a supportive environment for open discussion and learning

- Identifying and addressing the impact of challenging behaviour on staff well-being

- Developing resilience and coping strategies for handling future incidents

- Learning from incidents: Using reflection to improve practices and approaches

- Case studies illustrating the benefits of reflective practice and support


4.**Understand How to Support Positive Behaviour**

- The principles of positive behaviour support (PBS)

- Proactive vs. reactive strategies for managing behaviour

- Encouraging desired behaviours through reinforcement and rewards

- Creating a positive and supportive environment to reduce challenging behaviour

- The role of routines, structure, and consistency in promoting positive behaviour

- Teaching alternative behaviours and coping skills

- Collaborating with individuals to develop personalized behaviour support plans

- Monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of behaviour support strategies


5.*Understand the Importance of Effective Communication**

- The role of communication in preventing and managing challenging behaviour

- Identifying communication barriers and their impact on behaviour

- Techniques for improving communication with individuals exhibiting challenging behaviour

- The importance of active listening and empathy in communication

- Non-verbal communication and its influence on behaviour

- Adapting communication styles to meet individual needs (e.g., visual aids, simplified language)

- Encouraging open and honest communication in challenging situations

- Training staff and caregivers in effective communication techniques


6.**Managing Behaviour that Challenges**

- Developing a comprehensive behaviour management plan

- Techniques for de-escalating tense or potentially dangerous situations

- The role of consistent boundaries and clear expectations in behaviour management

- Balancing firmness with empathy in responding to challenging behaviour

- Crisis management strategies: What to do when behaviour escalates

- Involving the individual in the behaviour management process

- The role of multidisciplinary teams in managing challenging behaviour

- Evaluating the success of behaviour management interventions and adjusting as needed

How will I be assessed?

In this CPD certification course, our focus is on fostering your professional growth and ensuring you gain valuable, practical skills that you can immediately apply in your work. Instead of traditional pass/fail assessments, our approach is designed to support continuous learning and development.


Throughout the course, you'll engage in various activities such as self-assessments, reflective exercises, role plays, and practical assignments tailored to real-world scenarios. These are intended to help you track your progress, reflect on your learning, and identify areas for further development.


Feedback will be provided regularly to guide your learning journey, offering insights and recommendations to enhance your understanding and application of the course material. The goal is to empower you to take ownership of your professional development, gaining confidence and competence in your chosen area of expertise.


By the end of the course, you will have developed a personalised portfolio of work and reflections that demonstrate your progress and commitment to continuing professional development. This portfolio can serve as a valuable resource for your future career advancement.

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